Информация о человеке

Abdoulaye Cheffou

Был в онлайне 25 февраля 2015 в 05:49:56

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Число подписчиков: 80

  • VK ссылка:id37644765
  • О себе:modest, trust myself and believe that's i'm responsible of my happiness and my unhappiness! i know that every thing come into my life because there is a reason and it goes because there is a reason! i believe in destiny! Tell the truth whatever, never trust even my shadow, those are the trait of my character. so when i will tell u i trust u, i really mean it and please make effort to not disappoint me because it will hurt me so much to be such upset from someone the only i trust better than myself.
  • Ник:cheffou
  • Сейчас проживает в:, Wuhan
  • Политические взгляды:социалистические
  • Религиозные убеждения:Islam
  • Главное в людях:доброта и честность
  • Главное в жизни:семья и дети
  • Отношение к курению:нейтральное
  • Отношение к алкоголю:нейтральное


    Интересы и хобби

    • Любимые книги:

      Nicolas Machiavel, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Hobbes, Little Prince

    • Любимые цитаты:

      Nothing happened hasardly, those who do not take a risk are nothing and will never be something coz a risk is not to take a risk!
      -It is very difficult to overcome our fears, we often need a little help!
      -Never let die the hero who lives in your soul in the regret of a life you deserved and you have never earned, there is this world, it is real, it is yours, everything is possible!
      -It is in difficult situations that we see the true personality of a man!
      -The success has a price, if it was easy everyone would know happiness!
      -Everyone is not ready to show the public what he's worth!
      -Everyone is not ready to show the public what it's worth!
      -In my opinion, when we are faced with the choice of whether acts or thoughts, keep in mind that we are mortal and try to live that no-one have to rejoice of our death.
      -It is better to arrive with the help than not arrive anywhere alone.
      -Life is too short to waste it doing harm to others.
      -When much is expected of someone, the deception is even greater!
      -Letting go is accepting your limitations,by trying to control everything around us, we are wasting our energy and lose our serenity.
      -Desire binds us creating attachment and suffering. While the renunciation brings freedom and serenity. The root of desire is deeply rooted in us. We wish ever. We want what we do not, we want things to be different, they happen according to our wishes. This creates a great mental agitation. Or we do not, we resist, we reject, we avoid, we complain. These two very large forces of desire in us. The energy of will and energy of not wanting.

      We spend our entire lives trying to get what we want and try to avoid what we do not want. It is very tiring. Even when we meditate, we continue to be desired. We wish to have good feelings and reject those that are unpleasant. If we had pleasant experiences, our mind seeks to find these enjoyable experiences. If we do not have experience we want to have fun. Same spirituality we are filled with desires.
      -whatever the reason someone you trust betray you, it's a betray and you got to know that person never deserve any trust from you.
      -There are currently nearly 7 billion people on earth: some have to worry, some return home, others lie quietly to spend their day, others face the truth. some are ill-pheasants war against good and some others are good: they must fight evil. 7 billion people on earth; 7 billion souls and sometimes we would need only one!
      -We are all architects of our destiny so don't go back on our past with sadness, it will never return back again!
      -Sometimes it's neither glory nor money nor power that gave us happiness. sometimes having one person we love and whom loves us back as we deserve and few friends are enough to make us happy if we merely try to be good persons, the nobility of life bring us calm and serenity!

    Опыт работы и образование

    • 中国地质大学 (China University of Geosciences)'16
    • 资源学院 (School of Earth Resources)
    • 石油工程 (Petroleum Engineering)
    • Очное отделение
    • Выпускник (магистр)
    • Université Abdou Moumouni'08
    • Sciences Economiques et Juridiques
    • Droit
    • Очное отделение
    • Абитуриент
    • 吉林大学 (Jilin University)'13
    • 地球探测科学与技术学院 (College of Earth Exploration Science)
    • 地球物理学 (Geophysics)
    • Очное отделение
    • Выпускник (бакалавр)
    • Lycée La Fontaine'06
    • 2004–2006
    • litterature and science
    • Assistant
    • 2006–2007
    • 中环财富国际投资管理公司
    • 外联部部长
    • 2013


    • Abdoulaye Cheffou фотография #1
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