Video reviews, Let's-Play, Livestreams, Collecting retro consoles & stuff
PC, Games, Poker, Retro Game Consoles
Skillet, Lindsey Stirling, Бумбокс, 8-bit Covers, Fall Out Boys
The Green Mile, Buried, Knock'in Heaven Door, The Walking Dead, Death Note, The Expendables, ALF, Kommissar Rex, Out of this world, Final Destination, The Simpsons, Crank, Real Steel, Interstate 60, 2012, Проклятие серого слонёнка, Dexter, The X-Files
The Green Mile (S.King), The Strange High House in the Mist (H.P.Lovecraft)
AVGN, Nostalgia Critic, Kinamania Live, Dendy Chronicles, На Кухне, Dendy Memories, Dendy Новая Реальность, Эмуляторы, 1000 ways to die, Форт Боярд, Поле Чудес
Failure does not mean I'm a failure; It does mean I have not yet succeeded.
Success doesn't come to you…you go to it.
Failure does not mean that I will never make it; It does mean that I need more practice.
Bad beginning makes a bad ending.
The only thing in life achieved without effort is failure.