Sharing the Afghan Music Old & New ____________♥♥♥♥♥______ _______ __ ____________♥♥♥♥♥______ _______ __ _____________♥♥♥_______ _______ __ _____________♥♥♥_______ _______ __ _____________♥♥♥_______ _______ __ _____________♥♥♥_______ _______ __ _____________♥♥♥_______ _______ __ _____________♥♥♥_______ _______ __ _____________♥♥♥_______ _______ __ _____________♥♥♥__♥♥___ _______ __ _____________♥♥♥__♥__♥_ _______ __ _____________♥♥♥___♥__♥ _______ __ _____________♥♥♥___♥___ ♥______ __ _____________♥♥♥___♥___ ♥______ __ _______♥♥____♥♥♥__♥____ ♥______ __ ______♥__♥__♥♥♥♥♥♥____♥ ♥______ __ ______♥___♥♥_____♥ ___♥♥ _______ _ _______♥____♥♥♥♥♥____♥♥_ ______ __ ________♥___________♥♥_ _______ __ _________♥_________♥♥__ _______ __ _________♥♥__Love __♥♥__ _______ __ ________♥♥___music___♥♥♥ _______ __ _______♥♥ ____________♥♥♥ _______ __ ______♥♥_______________♥ ♥______ __ _____♥♥_________________♥♥_______ _____♥♥ _________________♥♥____ __ _____♥♥♥_______________ _♥♥____ __ ______♥♥_______________ ♥♥♥____ __ _______♥♥♥____________♥ ♥♥_____ __ _________♥♥♥________♥♥♥ _______ __ ___________♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥___________
BEST in the world: Leader: A L L A H Guide: Q U R A N LifeStyle: I S L A M Person: M O M I N Personality: M U H A M M A D Routine: S U N N A T Law: S H A R I A T Lyrics: A Z A A N Loyalty: E M A A N Request: D U A Protection: S A D Q A Oath: K A L M A Exercise: N A M A Z Control: R O Z A Charity: Z A K A T Tour: H A J J Decision: S A B A R Work: T A B L I G H Action: N E K I Hobby: D U R O O D Hope: We'll try 2 be the best INSHAALLAH