Информация о человеке

Aleksander Rashupkin

Был в онлайне 24 марта 2014 в 10:58:08

Проверка страницы Rashupkin Aleksander ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 180

  • VK ссылка:id241928473
  • О себе:Hi! My name is Alexander. I have been doing business in the most promising and rapidly growing segment of the market - Internet / video technology industry. For expansion and to open this business, I am looking for someone in each of the countries: India, Brazil, China, Mexico, Asia, Spain, United States If you are interested in an additional $ 1000-4000/month working part-time or make serious money - please contact me for more information.
  • День рождения:6.1



  • Aleksander Rashupkin фотография #1
  • Aleksander Rashupkin фотография #2
  • Aleksander Rashupkin фотография #3
  • Aleksander Rashupkin фотография #4