Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Computational Linguistics, Autonomous Strong AI, AGI, Artificial Life, Self-replicating Machine, Cognitive Machine, Cyberphysical System, Autonomous Vehicles (UAV, UGV, USV, UUV), Swarn Interaction, Human-Robot Interface, Machine Perception, Machine Vision, Sensors, Actuators, Massively Parallel Processor Arrays, MPPA, Computer Cluster, Beowulf Cluster, Parallel Computing, Parallel Virtual Machine, Compute Unified Device Architecture, CUDA, TensorFlow, Keras, Theano, Machine Learning, ML, Deep Learning, DL, Recurrent Neural Network, RNN, Spiking Neural Network, SNN, Neural Coding, Genetic Algorithm, Evolutionary Programming, C/C++, Java, Python, R, TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, JS, HTML, XML, PHP, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB, Microelectronics and Mechatronics. Previous activity (form 1989 to 2006): Industrial Control System, ICS, Flow Meters and Weight Gauges, Seismic Information Processing, Databases, Data Mining, Repairing Microelectronics, Fortran, Forth, Delphi, Pascal, Ada, Lisp, Microcontrollers (8051, AVR, PIC), Microprocessors (4004, 8080, 8086/8088, x86), RS-232, IEEE-1284.
Neurophysiology, Psychology, Neuropsychology, Physiology, Human Brain, DNA Computing, Quantum computing.
I robot, Artificial intellect, Ex Machina, Automata, Matrix, Oblivion, Tomorrow people, Gravity, Intelligence, Mr Robot, 1984 (by George Orwell), Generation Pi (by Viktor Pelevin), Фокус, Три метра над уровнем неба, Прости за любовь (испанский, 2014), Выживший
I, robot (by Isaac Asimov), Isis unveiled (by Helen Blavatsky), Secret Doctrine (by Helen Blavatsky), Two lives (by Cora Antarova), Разоблачённая Изида, Тайная Доктрина, Две жизни
The battle of extrasences (Ukrainian TV), Phenomenon (Ukrainian TV)
Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger! / Всё что нас не убивает - делает нас сильнее!