YOU KNOW WHAT I REALLY HATE!!? — LIARS!!! OH GAWWWWWWD I HATE LIARS. And living in this fucking neighborhood there is thousands of them!! Why the fuck must people lie so damn much! Especially about stupid things! Like "Yeah, I just bought 5 cases of M-80's in Oklahoma for about $5. And they are legal there and everything. Yeah my parents buy most of my guns, every once in a while ill use my 4, 000 dollar paycheck and buy a shotgun or 2. And my brand new hummer just broke down on the highway when i was going 250mph. Stupid cars." like that, now, what fucking part if any would a norman human being believe? And thats just one person!! Another BIG example is Brooks Brown. Now, according to him, he has a 215 IQ, 5 other homes (2 in alaska, and 3 in Florida), 95mph fast ball(he is only 16), runs a mile in about 5 minutes, has an uncle thats the former head of all the armed forces and has access to.....Theee Button..., his other uncle is a multi-millionare that lives in downtown detroit, and his neighbors are the chick that sang "r.e.s.p.e.c.t." and the lead singer of Aerosmith. And that same uncle owns 30% of the stock of that tylenol company. And his grandparents give..GIVE...him about 1000 dollars for each month, and his other Grandpa can blow up every house in America because all the houses have C-4 in the foundations. Again, according to Brook Brown. OK, when people lie like that, its not impressive, noone believes it, it sounds just plain stupid, and its a fuckin waste of my time.