Ten years back, when the country was in deep crisis, and most part of the population in depression, the experts of Fund « Public opinion » have lead(carried out) sociological interrogation on a theme of colour preferences of the Russians. Then was found out, that more than 30 % of the respondents carries basically black, about 20 % - grey, hardly there is less people - dark blue or dirty - brown. Yellow, pink and other bright colours borrowed(occupied) last lines of a rating. To be convinced, that lately nothing has changed, to look back enough
From Hollywood: « Бойцовский club » « the Person with a scar » "«Matrix" (as is not banal …, but there in general real philosophy, which not on херне reflects our world) « the Suspicious persons » "«Dogma" From last likely « Weapon baron » - non-standard such film, with not фиговым by sense. And « Good night and good luck » Д.Клуни
« Чехов, perhaps, unique(sole) Russian writer, which all world has appropriated(given). He became « » for all world from Japan up to Brasil, because as anybody another has managed to grow fond and to accept the man with all pleasures and troubles, advantages and defects »