Преподаватель английского языка
Theatre, English, Board Games, Cinema, Vocals, Composition, Audio & Video, Tea Culture, Yoga, Self-defence, Film Noire
Poets of the Fall, Kaleo, The Strumbellas, Mumford & Sons, Chris Cornell, Within Temptation, Hugh Laurie, Louis Armstrong, Olivier Derivier, Hanz Zimmer, John Williams, Жорж Бизе, Феликс Мендельсон, Людвиг ван Бетховен, A'cappella Expresss
The Lord of the Rings, Inception, In Bruges, Don't Look Up, The Prestige, Interstellar, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Dark Knight, Hot Fuzz, Mission Impossible, 1408, Casino Royale, Repo! The Genetic Opera, Knives Out
М.Ю.Лермонтов, А.С.Пушкин - "Евгений Онегин", "Капитанская дочка", Е.Шварц - "Тень", Ф.М.Достоевский - "Преступление и наказание", Л.Н.Толстой - "Война и мир", М.А.Булгаков - "Мастер и Маргарита"
How I Met Your Mother, Friends, House M.D., The Boys, Peaky Blinders
"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun."
"Is there a hero somewhere, someone, who appears and saves the day?" (c) Marko Saaresto
"How you doin'?" (c) Joey Tribbiani
"Mirrors are more fun than television". (c) Pink Flamingo