Информация о человеке

Алинка Домбровская

Была в онлайне 24 марта 2012 в 01:28:54

Проверка страницы Домбровской Алинки ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 23

  • VK ссылка:id152886197
  • День рождения:28.1.2000
  • Сейчас проживает в:, Орша
  • Родной город:орша


Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    singer, actress and dancer! ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____________ ______________ ________________ _________________ _________________ __________________ __________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ __________________ __________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ ______________ ____________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____________ _________ _______ ______ _____ ____ _________ _______ Интересы: music, Dance ____$_$$_______________________________$$__, ____$__$$____$_$$$____$$$$$$$___$$$$___$$__, ___$___$$__$$$$_$$$__$$___$$___$$__$$__$$__, ___$$$$$$$__$$___$$__$$___$$__$$___$$__$$__, __$_____$$__$$___$$__$$___$$__$$$$$$$__$$__, __$______$$_$$___$$___$$$$$___$$_______$$__, _$$______$$_$$___$$___$________$$______$$_$, $$$$___$$$$$$$$__$$$_$$$$$$$____$$$$$_$$$$$, ___________________$$$$$$$$________________ $$_________ _______________ _______SSSSSSS_, ____SSSSSSSSSS_______.88888888888888_.____SSSSSSSS S, ___SSSSSSSSSSSS______88888888888888885__SSSSSSSSSS S, __SSSSSSSSSSSSSS_____888888888888888888.SSSSSSSSSS SS, _SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS___8888888888888888888888SSSSSSSS SS, S_SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS__8888888888888888888SS88588SSSS SS, __SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS888888888888888888888888.SSSSSSSS SS, _SSSSSSSSSSSSSS6888888888888888888888858SSSSSSSSSS S, SSSSSSSSSSSSSS__88888888888888888888888868SSSSSSSS __, _SSSSSSSSSSS__8888888888888888888888888.__SSSSSSS_, SSSSSSSSSSS._888888888888888888888888885__SSSSS_S, _SSSSSSSSS__8888888888888888888888888588.S_SSSSS_, _SS_SSSSSS__88888888888888888888888886881_SSSSSS__, S__SSSSSSS_68888_88888888888888888885______SSSS___, __S__SSSS_.8888..8888888888888888888_________S_S__, _S___SS_S_.8888__8888888888888888888_________S_S__, ____S___S__88888_6888888888888888888_________S____, ________S__.8888._888888888888888888_________S_S__, ________S___:8888.8888888888888888888...__________, _____________688856888888888888888888886__________, ______________6888888888888888888888888 Любимая музыка: my favorite music of my songs to my dear and best friend Selena Gomez, etc Любимые фильмы: My favorite movies are where I'm doing))) Любимые телешоу: many Любимое радио: no Любимые книги: many Любимые игры: no Любимые цитаты: "this impossible, "-has said the reason, "это recklessly, "-has noticed the experience, "это uselessly, "-cut pride, "попробуй, "-has whispered the daydream. All so strange and turbid in lifes my...and question there is one:But WHY I In HER...? !!!, when believe not in prodigy, but in that miracles does not can be, when heart to tear to whomever, but he about this and does not know, when even completely disappears the faith, but remains only daydream, the world begins казатся gray...his(its) dyes искорка one, only искорка nadezhdy.i if in heart not умрQт she, that efforts, but signifies and victory will be inevitable. "Be yourself, no one is better!" "I was never one of those girls who try to imitate others and be like them in appearance. I think you look better when going away from the masses. "[Regarding the desire to assemble a band]" I'm going to be in a band and not to

Опыт работы и образование

  • Школа № 6
  • Класс: б


  • Алинка Домбровская фотография #1
  • Алинка Домбровская фотография #2
  • Алинка Домбровская фотография #3
  • Алинка Домбровская фотография #4
  • Алинка Домбровская фотография #5
  • Алинка Домбровская фотография #6
