Арт, Игры, Фотография
Fantasy; SciFi; Videogames; Art; Photo; Visuals; Cosplay; Gothic; Subcultures. Dota; Warcraft; Starwars; GoT/aSoIaF; Dragon Age; Witcher; Modelling;
Darkwave, Metal, Rock, Яд: L'Âme Immortelle, Samsas Traum, Das Ich, Combichrist, Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows, VNV Nation, Faderhead, Nurzery [Rhymes], Whispers in the Shadow, Noisuf-X, Eisbrecher, Alter der Ruine, Grendel, Mechanical Moth, Rammstein, Lacrimosa, Punto Omega, Agonoize, Leather Strip, X-Fusion/Noisuf-X, ASP, Oomph!, Nachtmahr, Emilie Autumn, Lacrimosa, Wolfsheim, Suicidal Romance, the Cure, Acylum, Abney Park, Akira Yamaoka, Stillste Stund, Snakeskin, Joahim Witt, Lustmord, Wumpscut, Girls under glass, Mylene Farmer, Mind.in.a.box, kmfdm, Angelspit, Hocico, Xotox, X-RX, Death in June, In strict Confidence, Alice Cooper and many others
Requiem for a Dream, Donnie Darko, the Fountain, The Butterfly Effect, Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Maleficent and more
Р. Брэдбери, Дж. Мартин, Дж. Толкин, А. Сапковский, Р. Джордан, Р. Сальваторе and more
Game of Thrones, Under the Dome, Gotham, Penny Dreadful, anime and more