Listening to Music, Designing, Sleeping, and Cats
Tennis, web series, russian music, language
Scopin- Kordhell, 4AM- Jubël, Dil na todunga- Shambhavi Thakur, Bussin- Nicki Minaj, балаган- Namo Minigun, Sad girls luv money Remix, Bheegi Bheegi- James, Jiyein kyun- Papon, Одиночество- Idris& Leos, Силуэт- Jony, Rainy day- TumaniYo, Mary did you know- Tommee Profitt
Friends, Suits, Jujustu Kaisen, Love Death and Robots, Panchayat, Mirzapur, The Family Man, Band of Brothers, Breaking Bad, Dark, Friends, How I met your mother, Ozark, Aşk 101, The Orginals, Vikings, Wayne
If you're a man, don't disrespect or beat another man front of their woman and kids. If you do, that makes you a less manly person. The same goes for the woman.