- All things linger...
- In our shadow.
- None can hide..
- Though many Try.
- Every life...
- Ends with us.
- Lamb calls...
- Wolf srtikes.
(c) Kindred
- Ah, so you're Xayah's pet!
- Tell me Rengar, how do you groom all that fur?
- Ok, it's time to prowl
- This way. No, this way. Whoa-kay, that way it is!
(c) Yuumi
- Lamb, tell me a story.
- There was once a pale man with a dark hair, who was very lonely.
- Why was it lonely?
- All things must meet this Man, so... They shunned him.
- Did he... Chase them all?
- He took an Axe and split himself in two. Right, down, the middle.
- So he would always have a friend?
- So he would always have a friend.
(c) Kindred
"Ты знаешь, что значит быть отверженной - дважды? Меня предали все. Родное племя, друг, соседи. Меня превратили в одиночку только за то, что я искала любви. Никто не оплакал моих детей, никто не разделил со мной моё горе. Не волнуйся, мой милый, я заставила их всех расплатиться."
(с) Кленовница Метеору