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Армен Енти


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Число подписчиков: 117


    Актуальный статус

    Shikata ga nai

    Интересы и хобби

    • Любимые цитаты:

      Competition, achievement, better, faster, more efficent, economic, heaven is mental, hell values, sacrificed upon the altar of money and greed...
      There's always someone who is ready, to slay, to kill innocent people.
      Horrible answer to the terrible question, horrible explanation terrible execution.
      Autumn 2001 was the event when mankind gave up and proved that money beats the need to save the earth.
      Brave new world for those who are greedy and see life as competition.
      Speculate, hypocrite, nothing real, just confused and powerless statements about inhuman situation about war...
      Unable to see the message between the lines made by hatemongers who see hatred as solution as an answer.
      Innkeeper butcher, meat seller, chicken farmer, discharged navy officer, later : kz - leader, later : obergruppenfuhrer.
      Blue uniforms, sharp commands, barking dogs, cruel faces, they find reason to shoot, reason to kill, reason to slay and they always find suitable reason.
      Open mass grave, bodies left to rot as a warning example.
      They say "all are equal", but their actions show their hollow lies, do they really think that they can do anything without consequences.
      Just another small ant in this huge nest called daily life. Individual? Original? Just another robot, just another tiny piece of program.
      Just one act, there's no way back.
      Almost fully automatic system, latest modern technology to destroy, to annihilate, to exterminate, within this business moves big money.
      Man has always been good at killing each other.
      An idea of man, an idea of life stamp, others compete with them, force fed idea, force fed value.
      Watch how it slowly passes away, once green, now grey and dying roots rot branches wither [away].
      Smoke, wreck, dead ruins, flames, silence, another bloody confrontation on the way to the victory, senseless human termination, terrible waste of life.
      Dirty war machine slowly moves forward, takes right position, aims, shoots, kills.
      Christianity failed, also communism failed, maybe information, technology could be our new god.
      Easy solutions now available, easy chorus, easy verse, easy melody.
      Short is the way how we do this sound called music, the idea of expression,
      Because road is so winding, balanced speed is useless, max acceleration is vital and only sensible solution to use.
      Extremely winding tarmac road, top speed lightning reactions, that's why stiff suspension...and slick tires.
      Need to find guilty, no need to find solution, need to believe easy answers, need to see world as black and white.
      They want to find scapegoat, not the solution, they want to criticize, they don't want to create.
      Faster, harder, ulcer, stress burnout, emptiness, depression.
      Same story about killing, about war, violence, hatred, revenge, death, vicious circle.
      Dry tarmac road full of bends, full of challenge.
      It makes ponder, it makes wonder, try to find answers, try to find sense.
      They always check their watches, it makes killing to look like a profession.
      Plastic life served us on a plastic plate, plastic smile, plastic career, plastic life, plastic marriage, plastic heart, plastic soul.
      Reason behind the concern, same reason behind the nightmare, reason why people are afraid, reason why we feel fear of the dark.
      Socrates, Platon, Descartes, Hume, Kierkegaard, Kant, Sartre.
      Not just another faceless and spiritless clone, something new, something fresh.
      They have vision how to rule us, they have rules how to control us.
      There's always some cause, some point where there's no return.
      Men with suits, fast decision good for the profit not for the people, people for the system, not the system for the people, profit, not people. How this let happen??
      Sometimes it's so difficult to create any sensible lyrics with an idea.
      Need to create, need to compose something own.


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    • Армен Енти фотография #5
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    • Армен Енти фотография #47
    • Армен Енти фотография #48
    • Армен Енти фотография #49
    • Армен Енти фотография #50