оо I much that I love! Into their numbers enter such as Gven Stephanie and Christina Agilera!
I love films with my participation, but still I love animated cartoons and films of the channel Disney!
There is no time for books, but unless the scenario it not the book!))
I love show the American idol and a top-medical fur-tree on American)
I was never one of those girls who try to imitate others and be like them in appearance. I think you look better when going away from the masses.* "I'm going to be in a band and not to be involved around itself. And I do not want to be a solo performer. Basically I want to make fun music that will be fun and children, and parents. Just to have a good time "
* "Be yourself, no one is better!"
* "I really do not like to dress up. Some people probably think that if you're an actress, so should dress up. I almost always go in jeans "
* "I once said:" Daddy, I want a ring of purity. " He went to church and received a blessing. He thinks that I can apply the example to young people. I'm going to hold my promise, I want to be honest with ourselves, my family and God "