Информация о человеке

Audrey Liberge

Была в онлайне 19 декабря 2011 в 06:13:25

Проверка страницы Liberge Audrey ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 12

  • VK ссылка:id85601231
  • День рождения:24.1.1987
  • Родной город:Grenoble
  • Религиозные убеждения:Atheist


Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    Two words: Grand Canyon For some it's just a national park, for some it represents the American West and its beautiful landscapes, for some it's a gift of God, for some it's just a lot of red rocks, and for some, like us, it's a second home. It's been three years since my last footstep on the hot roads of the GC village, on the busy kitchen of BA restaurant, on the cosy floor of our cabin, on the football field grass, on the Maswik lodge cafeteria, on the dangerous roads in the woods, or on the welcoming floors of the Rec center. But even if time flies, it still seems like yesterday and i remember every second of it, every sightseeings, every people that i've met there, every boring minutes at work, everything. I can't forget it because it was a fantastic experience, and it will stay in my heart forever. But as i look at the other profiles of people who was there with me, ukrainians, french, spanish, italians, moldovians, chinese, ecuadorians, .... I can't help but notice that they are all feeling the same way. They love the canyon, they miss the canyon, they remember the canyon. Even if we spent only three months there, we will always feel at home and we will always remember with nostalgia the good times we had there, as if it was an old country home or the place where we spent our entire childhood. Maybe that's why, we grew up there, we discovered the world there, we laughed, cried, enjoyed life there. GC is our own private and public bed and we are dying to lie there again. I think no one can understand this post except the ones that actually lived and breathed the GC air. And the saddest thing is, we will never live this experience again, because even if we come back to the GC, it will indeed be the same background, but not the same people, the same ambiance, the same period. I'd give everything to live just one more day, a typical day of 2007, under the bright sun of the GC village. Grand Canyon is our heaven, it is our home, our land, our country. And as it was written everywhere there, it's OUR canyon!

  • Интересы:

    Travelling Communication Cinema

Опыт работы и образование

  • Université Stendhal Grenoble III'11
  • Sciences de la communication
  • Студентка (магистр)
  • Didit Power Profiles
  • Communication
  • 2009–2009
  • Xanterra
  • BA
  • 2007–2007
  • Castorama
  • DIY shop
  • 2006–2010

