О себе:Hi! My name is Bekzat Polat- I am doing graphic design and advertising for most of my adult life. As many as 7 years old an experience, I'm designing a printed product: brochures, catalogs, magazines, books, and presentations; I am developing a logo and corporate identity; I live in Washington city. Constant creativity and improvement of skills is the key to progress. I do not rest on our laurels and are constantly evolving, upgrading the environment. With the help of visual images, I try to convey the concept and bring personality into every project. If you have a need to create a visual shell for your ideas, I am always ready to help. Design covers almost all aspects of modern life, so it must be of high quality.
День рождения:16.7.1988
Сейчас проживает в:Казахстан, Астана
Родной город:Astana
Личный вэб-сайт:www.inspirestudio.kz
Политические взгляды:консервативные
Религиозные убеждения:Ислам
Источники вдохновения:Кино, Графика, Музыка, Опера, Театр.
Главное в людях:доброта и честность
Главное в жизни:саморазвитие
Отношение к курению:негативное
Отношение к алкоголю:негативное
Актуальный статус
Графический дизайнер. Основатель Inspire Studio
Интересы и хобби
general director BiiM BRAND design studio
graphic design, 3D animation, motion design, music, sport, photograp