misogyny, misandry
No Zodiac, SpaceGhostPurrp, Cemetery Rapist, Korn, Akira Yamaoka
"Does it ultimately matter whether you determine whether someone's blame is justified or not? Let us know if you know something we don't, but I don't think excoriating a bullet for its misguidedness and narcissism or calling it an entitled incel is going to prevent it from entering the body of the victim. Your Kantian moral deliberations have about as much worth as trying to persuade a jihadi not to act because his scriptures are a fantasy. If you have a problem with people complaining about humiliation, then I think you would be better served by actually formulating a plan or policy that would protect you in case there become enough people in society who feel humiliated and feel they would have nothing to lose in coming after people like you (who they would, of course, feel are unworthy of their entitlements and peaceful life). Like, for example, you could come up with a plan to preemptively round up the disaffected and detain/execute them. Whatever you do, always remember that you can't send a tsunami back out to sea by shaking your fist at it from the shore and and telling it or the people around you how "wrong" it is. Even if there were a few molecules that can hear your case and are dissuaded from their course, there are simply going to be too many that can't and/or won't."