George Winston, John Foreman, Hanszimmer, Debussy, Explosions in the Sky, Eva Cassidy, Tommy Emanuel
The Pursuit of Happiness, Lone Survivor, Valkyrie, Saving Private Ryan, Soul Surfer, Chronicles of Narnia
Bible, History of the American People, Fire breathing Christian, Total truth
The office, Downton Abbey, Surviving the Cut, Modern Family, Lost, Top Gear, Top shot, Band of Brothers, How it's made
"Faith, without trouble or fighting, is a suspicious faith; for true faith is a fighting, wrestling faith." - Ralph Erskine, 1733
“By perseverance the snail reached the ark.” -Charles H. Spurgeon
"Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel." -Jimi Hendrix
"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." -John Wayne