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Bloom Sabriel

Была в онлайне 13 января 2019 в 05:55:07

Проверка страницы Sabriel Bloom ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 114

  • VK ссылка:id525728672
  • О себе:Bloom-the main story protagonist of the series, the founder and leader of the Winx Club, the guardian fairy and Princess Domino. Engaged to Skye. Birthday: December 10. Zodiac sign: dragon. Interests: reading, cooking. Bloom was born on the planet Domino in the Royal family, but when the planet was attacked by three Ancient Witches, her older sister Daphne sent the little bloom on the Earth through the portal. Fireman Mike found the baby in the fire, which did not harm her. The girl's parents were not, and Mike and his wife Vanessa bloom was adopted and raised as his own daughter. Blum lived without knowing about his gift and so did not develop it, although I liked stories about fairies. At 16 she discovered her magical abilities when trying to save a girl named Stella. She offered the bloom to go with her to a school for fairies Alfea, and she happily agreed. There bloom met three more friends, with whom he founded the Winx Club to protect the good. At the beginning of the series, bloom is behaving uncertainly: one day she evenshe even left Alfea, when I felt unable to cope with the dangers of the magical world. But after learning more about magic and received the support of her friends, bloom her friends stands up to protect the magic dimension from the forces of evil. According to press releases cartoons "the Mystery of the lost Kingdom" and "Magic adventure", bloom generous, sincere, noble, charismatic and a real leader. According to the press release of Winx Power Show, She is selfless, independent, impatient and stubborn. Bloom is the only Winx enchantix got the willpower.
  • День рождения:10.12.2000
  • Сейчас проживает в:, Seoul
  • Родной город:Domino.
  • Личный вэб-сайт:https://vk.com/id525728672 - fairy of the fire dragon.


Интересы и хобби

  • Интересы:

    drawing, photoshop

  • Любимые книги:

    winx, Harry Potter


  • Bloom Sabriel фотография #1