Very much I like to act in film in serial H2O! And to you I advise to act in film, after all it so is cool! The third season will soon begin, but we there practically will not be! Here so! H2o remains same interesting and once again interesting, as well as was! I an actress, I am removed in a serial Н2О Jast add water, Cariba Heine in Ricky's role Rikki Chadwick, Was born in Southern Africa October, 1-st 1988, then has moved to Australia in 1991, Having received Ricky's role in its(her) dream serials - comes true. Cariba took part in various representations from 3 years(summer) age. Its(her) hobbies it is actor's game and dances. This hobby сталопрофесиональной activity for long time wants that further., That will well cope with a role, she(it) employed to herself the personal trainer on navigation., Has moved to Australia in 1991., Being listened for H2O Сariba has employed the personal trainer to improve its(her) navigation. Its(her) firm work has been done knowingly when Cariba it has been invited for final listening which has been removed(has been taken off) under water. When its(her) agents informed news, Cariba shouted. Especially, when to it(her) have told, that she(it) has won Ricky's role. It - a role which she(it) really wanted., The youngest ballerina to execute at the Agreement of Astronomers in Sydney, Australia. Had the purpose to become(begin) проффесиональной the dancer; in the high school trained within 25 hours in week. Began to dance from 8 years in studio of dance of its(her) mother. Both its(her) mother and the brother - dancers
Люблю общаться с фанатами, а еще смотреть H2O!Кстати в фильми снимаютмся;Cariba Heine Кариба Хейн / Cariba Heine Rikki Chadwick Рикки Чедвик / Rikki Chadwick, Claire Holt Клэр Холт / Claire Holt Emma Gilbert Эмма Гильберт / Emma Gilbert, Phoebe Tonkin Фиби Тонкин / Phoebe Tonkin Cleo Sertori Клео Сертори / Cleo Sertori, Angus McLaren Ангус МакЛарен / Angus McLaren Lewis McCartney Льюис МакКартни / Lewis McCartney, Burgess Abernethy Бёрджес Эбернетти / Burgess Abernethy Zane Bennett Зэйн Беннетт / Zane Bennett, Cleo Massey Клео Мэсси / Cleo Massey Kim Sertori Ким Сертори / Kim Sertori, Alan David Lee Алан Дэвид Ли / Alan David Lee Don Sertori Дон Сертори / Don Sertori, Debarah Coulls Дебора Коулс / Debarah Coulls Bev Sertori Бев Сертори / Bev Sertori, Trent Sullivan Трент Салливан / Trent Sullivan Elliot Gilbert Эллиот Гильберт / Elliot Gilbert, Jared Robinsen Джэред Робинсен / Jared Robinsen Neil Gilbert Нил Гильберт / Neil Gilbert, Caroline Kennison Кэролин Кеннисон / Caroline Kennison Lisa Gilbert Лиза Гильберт / Lisa Gilbert, Christine Amor Кристин Амор / Christine Amor Miss Chatham Мисс Чатхэм / Miss Chatham, Joss McWilliam Джосс МакУильям / Joss McWilliam Harrison Bennett Гаррисон Беннетт / Harrison Bennett, Lara Cox Лара Кокс / Lara Cox Dr Denman доктор Денман / Dr Denman, Christopher Poree Кристофер Пори / Christopher Poree Byron Байрон / Byron, Annabelle Stephenson Аннабелль Стефенсон / Annabelle Stephenson Miriam Мириам / Miriam, Alice Hunter Элис Хантер / Alice Hunter Tiffany Тиффани / Tiffany, Jamie Timony Джэми Тимони / Jamie Timony Nate Нэйт / Nate, Ariu Lang Sio Ариу Ланг Сио / Ariu Lang Sio Wilfred Уилфред / Wilfred, Chris Palframan Крис Палфраман / Chris Palframan Eddie Эдди / Eddie, Damon Gabso Дэймон Габсо / Damon Gabso Johnno Джонно / Johnno, Cory Robinson Кори Робинсон / Cory Robinson Barry Барри / Barry, Preton Forsythe Претон Форсит / Preton Forsythe Lenny Ленни / Lenny, Teri Haddy Тери Хэдди / Teri Haddy Young Miss Chatham Мисс Чатхэм в молодости / Young Miss Chatham, Amrita Tarr Амрита Тарр / Amrita Tarr Julia Джулия / Julia, Ashleigh Brewer Эшли Брюер / Ashleigh Brewer Gracie Грэйси / Gracie, Brett Sellwood Бретт Селлвуд / Brett Sellwood Karl Карл / Karl, Brigette Paroissien Бриджетт Парусьен / Brigette Paroissien Candy Кэнди / Candy, Andrea Moor Андреа Мур / Andrea Moor Mrs Geddes миссис Джеддес / Mrs Geddes, Steven Tandy Стивен Тэнди / Steven Tandy Hendrix Хендрикс / Hendrix, Jade Paskins Джейд Паскинс / Jade Paskins Angela Анджела / Angela, Paul Bishop Пол Бишоп / Paul Bishop Mitch Митч / Mitch, Kate Fitzpatrick Кейт Фицпатрик / Kate Fitzpatrick Dr Holt доктор Холт / Dr Holt, Chas Green Чез Грин / Chas Green Greg Грег / Greg, Arna Maria Winchester Арна Мария Винчестер / Arna Maria Winchester Aunt Thea тетя Тея / Aunt Thea, Iain Gerdiner Айэн Джединер / Iain Gerdiner Hook Eye MacKenzie «Hook Eye» МакКензи / Hook Eye MacKenzie, Noel Sheridan Ноэль Шеридан / Noel Sheridan Fred the Fillet Фред / Fred the Fillet, Akira Yoshikawa Акира Йошикава / Akira Yoshikawa Mr George Chan Джордж Чан / Mr George Chan, Hsiao-Ling Tang Сяо-Линг Танг / Hsiao-Ling Tang Mrs Chan миссис Чан / Mrs Chan, Chantal Li Шанталь Ли / Chantal Li Emily Chan Эмили Чан / Emily Chan, HotLog
aravormi, крутая Американская группа!, и Текст песни из H2O, I've got a special power, that I'm not afraid to use., , So come on this is my adventure, and this is my fantasy, , it's all about living in the ocean, , being wild and free., , Coz I'm no ordinary girl., I'm from the deep blue underworld, , land or sea, I've got the power if I just believe., , Coz I'm no ordinary girl., I'm from the deep blue underworld, , land or sea the world's my oyster I'm the pearl., No ordinary girl., , We've got to stick together, , cause the best things come in three, , want it to last for ever, , all the magic and fun at sea, , , so come on this is our adventure, , there's no telling were we'll go, , and all i want is just to live amongst the H2O!, , Coz I'm no ordinary girl., I'm from the deep blue underworld, , land or sea, I've got the power if I just believe., , Coz I'm no ordinary girl., I'm from the deep blue underworld, , land or sea the world's my oyster I'm the pearl., No ordinary girl., , Come along it just gets better, , so much to do and just so little time, , cause it all depends on whether, , you want to live and learn of whats behind., , Coz I'm no ordinary girl., I'm from the deep blue underworld, , land or sea the world's my oyster I'm the pearl., No ordinary girl, , , , "Black Holes" и Revolutions", которые поет группа Muse
H2O, H2O, H2O! __HH____HH____22222_____00_____, __HH____HH___22___22__00__00___, __HH____HH________22__00__00___, __HHHHHHH_______22___00___00__, __HH____HH_____22_____00__00___, __HH____HH____22______00__00___, __HH____HH___2222222____00 _____
нет, не буду говорить тоже самое!
нет, если фанат знает все оба мне, значит он догадается!
Снимайся, и будеш лудше всех!
Фридрих Сортман