3D моделирование, анимация, 2D арт, геймдев
Компьютеры, IT, графика, дизайн, 3D моделирование, компьютерные игры, программирование, робототехника, геймдев
Их много, я слушаю всё подряд по настроению
Тут их тоже полным полно. Например: На последнем берегу, Аватар, Звёздные войны, Дом 1000 трупов, Изгнанные дьяволом, Волчья яма, Город ангелов и др
2х2 - что угодно оттуда в очень редких случаях.
Liquid Snake: [to Fox] In the Middle East we don't hunt foxes, we hunt jackals. Instead of fox hounds we use royal harriers.
Gray Fox: A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal!
Liquid Snake: [to Solid Snake] Foolish man. He prayed for death, and it found him. You see, Snake? You can't protect anyone. Not even yourself...
Gray Fox: [to Solid Snake] Snake. We're not tools of the government, or anyone else. Fighting was the only thing... the only thing I was good at. But... at least I always fought for what I believed in.
Solid Snake: Unfortunately, killing is one of those things that gets easier every time you do it.
Gray Fox: Only a fool trusts his life to a weapon.
Otacon: The whole reason I got into science in the first place was because I was no good with people. I was scared of them. I was scared of life. I thought that I could never understand them because they're so illogical. But I've finally learned how to like people. I'm not afraid anymore.
Otacon: Have you ever... loved someone?
Solid Snake: That's what you came to ask?
Otacon: No, I was wondering if even soldiers fall in love.
Solid Snake: What are you trying to say?
Otacon: I want to ask you. Do you think love can bloom even on a battlefield?
Solid Snake: Yeah. I do. I think at any time, any place, people can fall in love with each other. But if you love someone, you have to be able to protect them.
Solid Snake: Who are you?
Gray Fox: I am like you. I have no name.
Sniper Wolf: You are a fool to come back here, stupid man.
Gray Fox: After Zanzibar, I was taken from the battle, neither truly alive, nor truly dead, an undying shadow, in a world of lights. Now, in front of you, I can finally die.
Psycho Mantis: From the moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain and misery.
Big things have small beginnings.
Лёд тронулся, господа присяжные.
Senator Armstrong: Deep inside... We're Kindred Spirits, You And I.
Мир меж собой не является для людей чем то естественным. Напротив, естественным состоянием людей является война. Война проявляющаяся не только в открытых конфликтах, но и в угрозах развязывания конфликтов. Следовательно мир может быть установлен лишь законом.
Revolver Ocelot: You're pretty good!