Информация о человеке

Dasha Bondarchuk

Была в онлайне 31 марта 2015 в 04:43:09

Проверка страницы Bondarchuk Dasha ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 68

  • VK ссылка:id29598435
  • День рождения:5.10
  • Родной город:Brest, Massachusetts, west Springfield
  • Религиозные убеждения:Протестантизм


Интересы и хобби

  • Любимые цитаты:

    God is not loving toward me, because I have deserved it.
    He is loving to me, because Christ deserved it for me.
    He isn’t good to any of us, because we’re really good at
    saying our prayers and really good at loving other people.
    He isn’t faithful to us, because we’re faithful to Him.
    He loves us, because that’s who He is.
    He is faithful to us, because He cannot deny Himself.
    That’s who He is.
    That’s what He’s about.
    And it’s that knowledge that begins to change us.
    It’s changing me.
    It’s only that knowledge that will allow us to love Him back
    in the way that He desires.
    “We love because He first loved us.”
    As my pastor likes to say,
    “Don’t show me a church that loves God and loves people,
    show me a church that believes they’re loved,
    and I’ll show you a church that God is using.”

    The message is that you’ll never be changed by the love of God
    until you’re completely honest
    with yourself and how undeserving you are of it.
    Only when we try to love God will we see our utter inability to do so.
    And only when we understand that inability,
    will we begin to be in awe of his great love toward us.
    In other words, to be a Christian is to live a life of response.

    You see, it’s just not that big a deal, if God only loved the people that loved Him.
    It’d be nothing supernatural at all for God to merely be good
    to those who are good to Him.
    Isn’t that what Jesus said?
    “you love those who love you, but what profit is that to you?
    Even the pagans do that!”
    And so this is the mystery.
    “God proves His love in this, that while we were still sinners, He died for us.”
    And so, that should assure you greatly from your fears today.
    Even though you’re a sinner, Christ loves you.
    And if you’re really proud of how good you are, this should humble you.
    You’re so bad Christ had to die for you.
    His love is over and underneath.
    Higher than the heights of our purity,
    and lower than the depths of our depravity.
    And not one of us are without our need of Him.

    Невозможно – это всего лишь громкое слово, за которым прячутся маленькие люди.
    Им проще жить в привычном мире, чем найти в себе силы что-то изменить.
    Невозможное – это не факт. Это только мнение.
    Невозможное – это не приговор. Это вызов.
    Невозможное – это шанс проявить себя.
    Невозможное – это не навсегда.
    Невозможное возможно!

    Достигать невозможного - девиз нашей жизни. Делать то, что никто никогда не делал. Создавать то, что никто никогда не создавал. Быть лучшими. Быть достойными. Быть яркими. Быть солеными. Бежать.

Опыт работы и образование

  • БГУ'14
  • Гуманитарный
  • Иностранных языков
  • Очное отделение
  • Студентка (бакалавр)
  • Школа № 9
  • 2009
  • Класс: а


  • Dasha Bondarchuk фотография #1
  • Dasha Bondarchuk фотография #2
  • Dasha Bondarchuk фотография #3
  • Dasha Bondarchuk фотография #4