О себе:"Full name: Benjamin Oswald Lasnier
"Date of Birth: April 2, 1999. At this point 15 years.
»Place of birth: Denmark.
"Hometown: Vejle.
"Marital status: Married.
»Activities: blogger, singer, model and designer.
»Career: - present.
"Parents: Merete and Pascal Lasnier.
"Brother / Sister: Amanda, Olivia, Marius Lasniers.
»Pets: Dalmatians Batman and Cat Charlie External Data" Capricorn.
"Eye color: Blue.
"Hair Color: Brown.
"Height: 1.60 m. (Subject to change).
"Weight: 50 lbs. (Subject to change).
"Favorite food: Sushi, pizza.
"Favorite color: green, purple, red. (== == BIOGRAPHY
Born in Denmark, the city of Vejle, April 2, 1999. Since childhood, Ben played basketball and loved to play the guitar. Ben can speak English, Dutch and French. Ben became famous on Instagram after his cousin persuaded him to post some pictures. After some time, he has published 12 photos a day, and has received more than 60,000 like`s on each of them. His mother noticed the increasing popularity of the son in October 2012, when it began to recognize the crowd of girls on the street. He became so popular that even his dog in profile Instagram has more than 45,000 subscribers. His dog is named Betman.
In March 2013 have already been Ben`a 700 000+ subscribers on Instagram. March 18, 2013 it was announced that Ben has a contract with record label Sony! The article about the success in March 2013 he said:
"But this will require the loss of the image of" a boy with Instagram'a "and therefore Lasnier now trying to do the rebranding, limiting selfies to four a day"
This rebranding can explain why he deleted all his videos on YouTube, and some of his photos of Instagram. When fans noticed it, he wrote:
My Instagram got hacked! :) I just deleted some of my old photos, I will publish a lot of the best photos from now on! I love my fans! ❤)
День рождения:26.12.1991
Сейчас проживает в:, Советск
Родной город:Tallin
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