Татуировки, рисование, книги, активный отдых, скейтбординг, природа, рыбалка, тяжёлая музыка, концерты
Infant Annihilator, Carnifex, Despised Icon, My Autumn, Impending Doom, Traitors, Black Tongue, Acrania, AngelMaker, Born of Osiris, Disfigured Elegance, Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza, Ease of Disgust, I Declare War, Dysphoria, Ingested, King Conquer, Martyr Defiled, Molotov Solution, Shadow of the Colossus, Shadow of Intent, Thy Art is Murder, Vildhjarta, Writhen, Change of Loyalty, Thelema Code, Conjonctive, In The Midst of Lions, Humanity's Last Breath, The Juliet Massacre, Vulvodynya, Abiotic, Signs of the Swarm, Night in the Texas
Голый пистолет, Дюна, Рыжий пёс