Power Boating, Kayaking
You should get a hold of my iPod and only then will you understand the variety of music that I listen to, on most occasions it is tailored to my mood..
I love films that are based on a book because that means it will have a good story line...but really I like all sorts of films..
At the moment I'm reading: Bad Science (it's very interesting in a geeky kind of way) I enjoy reading just don't find much time for it at the moment: All Harry Potters, All Lord Of The Rings, Angels and Deamons, IronMaze, Life Support, Deception Point Obedience To Authority....are some of my faivourite ones
One Tree Hill, Gilmore Girls, Eastenders, The Apprentis, Big Brother, Beauty & The Geek, X-Factor, КВН, Что? Где? Когда?, Поле Чудес
The Sharpest Lives Are The Deadliest To Lead.