Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching Сертифицированный коуч, консультант по правильному питанию и здоровому образу жизни для мам и детей. Преподаватель Йоги; Создатель проекта Healthy Mama Консультант по здоровому питанию детей (0-14лет)
Здоровое Питание, Вегетарианство, Путешествия, Природа, Йога, Аюрведа, Психология, Майянский календарь, Эзотерика, Рейки, Таро, Туризм, Pranic Healing, Медитация, Фотография, Фортепиано
Michael DeMaria, Inkari, Secret Garden, Classic music, Enigma, Deva Premal, Fleur, Karunesh
Джузеппе Москатти: Исцеляющая любовь, Секрет, Гардемарины вперед, Пробуждение.
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ― Hippocrates
Time has become a currency which we "spend" instead of "pass."
Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
"Work as if you don't need the money.
Love as if you've never been hurt.
Sing as if no one is listening.
Dance as if no one is watching."
No me in between as I jump in the space of We.
Every field and flower fades, but love is infinite.
Beauty may capture the eye, but personality captures the heart.
Knowledge is Power, but Wisdom is Eternal.
Hell is a creation of the mind, Heaven is a creation of the Heart....
"Peace, Love and Happiness makes the World go Round."