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Emma Watson

Была в онлайне 22 августа 2011 в 05:56:36

Проверка страницы Watson Emma ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 69

  • VK ссылка:id51450513
  • О себе:Play in small productions, I wanted very early - years 5-6, and even dressed up for Halloween witch. But could I suggest that I will choose from thousands of contenders for the role of the little "witches" Hermione Granger for the first big screen version of the ultra popular books J. Rowling's "Harry Potter"? But despite this fact, few people know about my personal life, except those facts that my mother is called Jacqueline, father's name - Chris. And I have a younger brother Alex. Prior to filming in "Harry Potter" I participated in many shkolnyh performances. I even performed the role of the evil witch Morgan Le Fay in the musical play "Arthur: Youth and a role I liked the most. But that was before I became famous after "Harry Potter." But at first I could not believe such a strange proposal, how to test their chances in this film. But I agreed, and that I was selected for this role. But despite such success, as the role of Hermione, I have not changed. I also, as always, communicating with friends and relatives and even at one time went to school. This behavior is very happy, because to get rid of "star" of disease is much more complicated than from any influenza. I - this is very self-critical and inquisitive people. Like many of my own age, I love to shop, listen to music, which gives preference to the pop direction (Dido, Samantha Mamba), cats (I have two of his - Bubbles and Domino) and a school. That's true most unloved by my subjects are geography and mathematics. I hate them, hate and hate again! Their preference among the actors and actress, I commend Julia Roberts and John Klisa, who played a role in nearly headless Nick in "Harry Potter". I also play sport. I like to play hockey, tennis and other sports. Yes, and I just characterizing himself in three words: "Sports, accurate and man-on-all-cases-life." This is all it says. It remains to believe that I will stay until the end of sports, accurate, and man-on-all-cases-life.
  • Ник:emma_charlotta_duerre_watson
  • День рождения:15.4.1990
  • Сейчас проживает в:Великобритания, Oxford
  • Родной город:Oxford
  • Личный вэб-сайт:http://www.emmawatsonofficial.com/#
  • Политические взгляды:умеренные


Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    Hello everyone, I'm GM, I'm very glad that you visited my page! As many know, I am an actress. I'm going to the institute. My work began with an actress nine years, when I was selected for the role of Hermione in the film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. So I was going to stop being an actress, but so far I can not do that

  • Интересы:

    I like hockey, tennis, skiing and adventure! Even listening to music, participate in the movies, read books, and more

  • Любимая музыка:

    I listen to different music. But I especially like the song Dido, Bryan Adams, Suzanne Vega, Samantha Mamba

  • Любимые фильмы:

    I like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings

  • Любимые книги:

    Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

  • Любимые цитаты:


Опыт работы и образование

  • Dragon School'08
  • 1997–2008
  • ,


  • Emma Watson фотография #1
  • Emma Watson фотография #2
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  • Emma Watson фотография #6
  • Emma Watson фотография #7
  • Emma Watson фотография #8
  • Emma Watson фотография #9
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  • Emma Watson фотография #37