Поиск кьютимарки, кунг-фу
My little pony Theme, Giggle at the Ghostly, Pinkie's Gala Fantasy song, The Ticket Song, Hop Skip and Jump Song, Evil Enchantress (Pinkie Pie's Version), Evil Enchantress (Flutterguy's Version), Winter Wrap Up, Cupcakes, Art of the Dress, Art of the Dress (Reprise), Hush Now Lullaby (Fluttershy's Version), Hush Now Lullaby (Sweetie Belle's Version), Cutie Mark Crusaders Song, You Got to Share, You Got to Care, So Many Wonders, Pinkie's Singing Telegram, At the Gala, I'm at the Grand Galopping Gala, Pony Pokey, My Little Pony Theme (Remastered), May the Best Pet Win!, Becoming Popular (The Pony Everypony should know), Happy Monthiversary, Piggy Dance, The Perfect Stallion, Smile, Smile, Smile, You're a Cranky Doodle Donkey, Welcome Song, Cranky Doodle Joy, B.B.B.F.F., B.B.B.F.F. (Reprise), This Day Aria, This Day Aria (Reprise), Love is in Bloom, Babs Seed
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic