IT, CJing, английский язык
Michael Giacchino, Jason Graves, Queen, ABBA, Black Eyed Peas, Машина времени, симфоническая музыка, ретро, blues rock
Twelve Monkeys, Seven Pounds, Back to the Future Trilogy, The Time Traveler's Wife, The Sixth Sense, Gravity, Unbreakable, The Truman Show, The Lake House, Frozen, Enchanted, Hancock, Big Daddy
LOST, Dexter, House, Breaking Bad, Fringe, Once Upon a Time, Misfits, Wilfred (US), The Sopranos, The Simpsons, Mr. Bean
"I am dead. But I'm also here." — Charlie Pace
"No spoilers. They ruin everything." — Gregory House
"To be loved you have to be nice to people. Every day. But to be hated, you don't have to do squat." — Homer Simpson
"When something great happens to one person, everyone else's life gets a little worse. Look it up, it's called physics." — Homer Simpson
"A book? Yeah, right. Maybe if it had pictures. That moved. And sound. And Matt Damon in it. And in the middle of the movie Matt Damon'd be like [makes gun noises]. Now there's a book I'd like to read." — Wilfred
"They say when a parent dies, a child feels his own mortality. But when a child dies, it's immortality that a parent loses." — Constance Langdon
"Do not care what others think. Do what you must." — Javik
"I like bananas. Bananas are good." — Doctor Who
"Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey." — Doctor Who
"And the reason it takes about a generation for these things to happen is that we never change the minds of the people who are most vocal against it, we just have to wait for them to die." — Douglas Crockford
"You know the good years when you're in them, or you just wait for them until you get ass cancer and realize that the good years came and went?" — Martin Hart
"I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them." — Andy Bernard
"Put it in a container and continuously deliver that shit." —
"I could be wrong, though. I was before." — Mark Seemann
"It's not amazing, it's just a little less shit." — Haffaz Aladeen
"It's not important to do what I like. It's more important to do what I don't hate." — flipstables
"If you aim at nothing, you hit nothing." — grandma (Shang-Chi)
"We like to think we spend most of our time power typing. "Yeah, I'm being productive, I'm writing programs!" But we don't. We spend most of our time looking into the abyss, saying "My God, what have I done? How am I ever going to make this work?" Once we figure it out, we forget that we did all of that. [...] I think there has to be something seriously wrong with you in order to do this work. A normal person, once they've looked into the abyss, will say, "I'm done. This is stupid. I'm going to do something else." But not us, 'cause there's something really wrong with us." — Douglas Crockford