Mirror Bible / Библия Зеркало -перевод
Описание: Mirror Bible by Francois Du Toit
Перевод на русский Библии Зеркало.
"Евангелие – это истина о нас, какой она записана во Христе. Еф. 1:13; 4:21.
Согласно контексту этого Писания ни один человек не стоит осуждённым пред Богом; суд над человечеством пал на одного человека, «однажды и для всех». Бог дал свидетельство праведного суда над человечеством, воскресив Христа из мёртвых."
The Mirror Bible is a paraphrase translation from the original Greek text of the Bible. The Mirror brings a fresh perspective to the table and while the detailed shades of every Greek word has been closely studied, it has been done with the person of Jesus Christ Himself and His finished work as the proper interpretative lens.
Christ is the ultimate text and each page of The Mirror drips with grace as we discover our own identity restored in the very image of the invisible God.
IMPORTANT: The Mirror is an ongoing translation. New Testament books are constantly added as soon as they are translated. The latest 7th Edition now available! Released in July 2017. Red 500 pages and wide margin Blue 525 pages. It includes the entire Gospel of John plus loads of edits and updates, as well as an Extended Commentary at the end of the book.