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Le Basour fan page фото
  • VK ссылка:public125011709
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 278

Le Basour fan page

Описание: LE BASOUR is an Italian band founded in Treviso (Italy) in 2012, by Allen (vocals, guitar, sound synthesizer), Skylle (bass), Marnia (drums, percussion), KnK (guitar). The musical genre of the band is divisive: some sources define the group Alternative Rock, while others prefer to see them as part of the latest trend derived from the Electro Pop Rock. Early in 2012 the members of Le Basour start collaborating with Mad4Music with the objective of making their first Album. The band begins to compose songs and chooses the English language for the drafting of lyrics.

The recording of the Album is entrusted to Diego P8 at the Art Music Studio of Bassano del Grappa. Luca Spigato and Maurizio Baggio at Hate Studio in Rosà are in charge of mixing and mastering, while Mad4Music follow the production in collaboration with Le Basour.

During the recording Allen is caught by the intensity of the song Northern Light and decides, together with the group, to make a first Music Video writing the script himself. For the video release the band chooses the location of an ancient villa dating back to 1500, Villa Ca 'Marcello, where the shooting takes place with Andrea Guarascio and Nevio De Conti of 4Frame. The result is a video with multiple meanings and cinematographic traits, which is chosen as a teaser for the first promotion of the band. In mid-November 2014 Luca Bernardoni becomes the manager of the band and entrusts the press office to Antonella Marautti of WellDone Promotion and the radio promotion to Paola Conforti of “Casi Umani”.

The Album "Pray to Stay" will be released on March 3rd 2015 in all Digital Store. The tracks are varied going from ballads such as Northern Light and Wild Her to faster tunes as I like it, Here I Am, the title track Pray to Stay, Dancing with tears in my eyes, Ultravox cover. Moreover, songs with electronic rhythms and instrumentals also stand out in the Album such as the first track The End or the song Lover.
Pray to Stay is chosen as the first single that will present the Album to the general public and it is also made into a videoclip directed by Andrea Guarascio of 4Frame.
In 2015 there will be a tour touching the major Italian and European cities to promote the Album "Pray to Stay".

The video Pray to Stay is broadcast exclusively on the website www.repubblica.it of the National Daily "La Repubblica" getting thousands of views. Pray to Stay has been selected as the video of the week and broadcast in rotation on the channel Italy ROCK TV channel Sky 718. The Single Track Pray to Stay is broadcast in more than 60 radio including National Radio's such as Virgin Radio trough its programs New Generation presented by Andrea Rock together with Julia Salvi and Revolver presented by Ringo, also on the National Program of Caterpillar on Rai Radio 2. In April Le Basour are chosen as Artist of the week and their single enters the charts placing them to the 4 th place in digital distribution with Zimbalam from January to March 2015. In order to keep in balance their live performances, the band choose an excellent guitarist called KnK. On April 11, Le Basour organize their first Live Show presented directly by Andrea Rock of Virgin Radio. The location was chosen wisely, in order to ensure an unforgettable moment wich it could be given only by a special place such as the Boccasino theatre of Valdobbiadene. The whole event was filmed in order to make a video that shudder the entire Show. In May 2015, Mad4Music, also joins the Management of the group, ensuring immediately the presence of the band in two important Italian Festival, Suoni di Marca and Home festival, wich they see as guest International Stars such as Franz Ferdinand, Interpol, Paul Kalkbrenner and many other.


  • Александр Романов Санкт-Петербург
  • Ксения Шагаева Санкт-Петербург
  • Иван Аленушкин Набережные Челны
  • Олег Саленко
  • Анастасия Буравская Санкт-Петербург
  • Зоя Infinity
  • Дарья Солнечная Санкт-Петербург
  • Данил Баранов Одесса
  • Макс Чорномаз Киев
  • Андрей Мычелкин Санкт-Петербург
  • Ліна Струк
  • Мария Шевкунова Москва
  • Лев Отинов Санкт-Петербург
  • Ирина Данилова
  • Светлана Гущина Казань
  • Витя Езерский Киев
  • Марина Футоран Умань
  • Екатерина Каленникова Новосибирск
  • Алексей Волков
  • Махмуд Чебуреков Гадья
  • Анастасья Михайличенко Киев
  • Наталья Иванова Санкт-Петербург
  • Оже Гранд Москва
  • Ольга Токарева Москва
  • Мария Балан Киев
  • Сергей Кузнецов Москва
  • Лена Пакман Самара
  • Олег Кабанов Киев
  • Олег Сурмачев Новомичуринск
  • Кирилл Мухамедов Омск
  • Светлана Валерьевна Симферополь
  • Олег Прозапас Сарны
  • Александр Туманов Калининград
  • Роман Орлов Санкт-Петербург
  • Татьяна Торшхоева
  • Оксана Коваль
  • Виталий Подувалов Philadelphia
  • Кристина Саприко
  • Саша Сердюк
  • Катя Сидорова Пермь
  • София Голодюк
  • Руслан Бадмаев Улан-Удэ