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KALOPSIA Photofactory фото
  • VK ссылка:public127734766
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  • Количество подписчиков: 98

KALOPSIA Photofactory

Описание: [K A L O P S I A P H O T O F A C T O R Y]
🌀Freeze your smile🌀

By sumesh,

I was passionate about communicating ideas through a photograph language.It was a way I could speak and share my thoughts with the world.
I picked up a camera to add dimension to my world and I haven’t put it down since. All my life I’ve been fascinated with color, shape, proportion and a sense of place and have completely fallen under photography’s powerful spell. Combining photography with my love of food is really what keeps me going and continues to inspire me
Photographers use their cameras as tools of exploration,
Passports to inner sanctums, instruments for change.
Their images are proof that photography matters, now more than ever.

My View on Photography,
The question I get asked the most is: “Wow, nice pic! Which camera are you using?”
Does that sound familiar? In the past, every time I heard this question I would answer in the same way: by telling people which camera I was using, but that it didn’t really matter in my opinion.

Hobby photographers usually expect that, if they can only save enough money to buy much better equipment, this will improve their results in a linear way. Maybe that’s the reason so many people are buying DSLR cameras without knowing how or even having an open mind about learning how to use one.
You recognize these types of photographers pretty easily… they’re the ones using flash in auto mode to brighten up the whole skyline of city. ;-)
I understand that behavior because all of us want to take great pictures without having to invest too much work at first (or at all). I also started my landscape and cityscape photography like this, until I realized that there is no need to understand all these settings and things your camera is doing for you until you really want to get creative view.A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it. It is, in a word, effective.
So here,
“I don’t trust words. I trust pictures.”


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