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Dark diva. фото
  • VK ссылка:public128755256
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 1

Dark diva.

Описание: Seisa is a girl with long black hair reaching her back, with a red braid attached to a lock of her hair on the left side. She wears the standard winter uniform with a slightly ripped skirt on the lower-left side, black garter belts, thigh-high black stockings, and indoor shoes.
As for her summer appearance, Seisa wears the standard summer uniform with black thigh-highs and indoor shoes. She also wears two monochrome bracelets on her left wrist and a pink polka-dotted wristband on her right wrist as accessories.
In her anime debut, her ripped skirt is replaced by a proper one and she also wears brown school shoes. Her eye color is also lighter than any other media counterpart.


  • Seisa Mikagura