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Koga Rindou фото
  • VK ссылка:public131691295
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 5

Koga Rindou

Описание: The most central pair is Koga Rindou and Sakagami Habaki, the latter of which is the former’s representative in the Imperial battle. Falling in love with Rindou on first sight, Habaki’s motivation is to have Rindou marry him when the expedition is over. While he is somewhat of a template dumb pervert character who is constantly at the butt of jokes but is cool during situations that matter (in this case, battles), he makes for quite an entertaining protagonist. Rindou is the exact opposite in that she is serious and goal-orientated, which makes her a good contrast to Habaki. Her charisma as a commander, and the speeches about SOUL and BONDS are fun to read.


  • Die Schwägerin
  • Christof Lohengrin Nagoya
  • Koga Rindou Tokyo
  • Рейнхард Гейдрих Los Angeles