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24 апреля, Арбат. Ярмарка в рамках GYSD. Make a differnce! фото
  • VK ссылка:event17127319
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 23

24 апреля, Арбат. Ярмарка в рамках GYSD. Make a differnce!

Описание: Guys!

April 23-25 - Global Youth Service Day! Remember how we spent it last year? This year there's gonna be even more fun!

As you may know, a project of our alumni has won this year and is being conducted at this very time. We all go to a special school for the kids with disabilities and help them (well, actually THEY help us) to create stuff like necklaces, bracelets, bags, etc.

The children are really cute and cool, and it's gonna be hard now to say them goodbye once the project's over.

On April 204 we are holding a little sale on Arbat, we're gonna sell things they have made in these 3 weeks. All the money will go to buy things they need.

Support us! Come, participate, sell, buy and MAKE YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORLD ON THIS GYSD!!

See you all there =)


  • Раушан Мырзашева Алматы
  • Nagima Sagimuldina
  • Жания Уразалиева Алматы
  • Alyoka Savinova
  • Камила Мустафина Алматы
  • Leila Tyulebayeva Den Haag
  • Ранвир Абдурашитов Алматы
  • Сабина Шибалаева Астана
  • Динара Мекебаева Алматы
  • Алия Самеева Алматы
  • Aida Kassantayeva
  • Ainura Kazhkarimova
  • Timur Bissenbayev Liverpool
  • Alumni Flex kz Алматы
  • Анета Нафонова