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`見えないプレイヤー[ あなたの影 ] фото
  • VK ссылка:public194753988
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 5

`見えないプレイヤー[ あなたの影 ]

Описание: Tetsuya Kuroko (黒子 テツヤ Kuroko Tetsuya) is the main protagonist of the manga, Kuroko no Basuke. He was the Phantom Sixth Player of the Generation of Miracles at Teikō Junior High. He specialises in misdirection and passes. He now plays as a regular with Seirin with the goal of bringing the team and Taiga Kagami to the top of Japan.


  • Asel Mambetalieva
  • Vanitas Ileuad
  • 緑間 真太郎
  • Tatsuya Himuro