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SNP...Scotlands loony leftwing party фото
  • VK ссылка:public204041923
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 8

SNP...Scotlands loony leftwing party

Описание: The facist snp are the enemy of all true scots....its run by leftwing clowns who care more about gimmigrants than it does about born and bred scots....just like nazis they prey on the weak and uneducated who they brainwash with their promises of free everything....a vote for these clowns and there will be no Scotland left for future generations for scots will be outnumbered by gimmigrants!!! SAVE SCOTLAND AND VOTE THE SCUM LEFTWING SNP OUT!!!
If you don't believe this go research their policies....snp are nothing but a loony left party hiding behind the indy vote and their uneducated brainwashed sheep are too stupid to see it!!!


  • Ian Robb Liverpool
  • Graham Grierson Dundee
  • Russell Gardner Perthshire
  • Allan Mac
  • Bod Scott
  • Рина Гуерра