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Maxim Reality фото
  • VK ссылка:public26780238
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 19

Maxim Reality

Описание: Maxim Reality
Date of birth: 21 march 1967
Place of birth: Peterborough
Role in the group: MC
Maxim - the voice of the group. It is the permanent leader of all live performances Prodigy. The art of MS Maxim began to get involved in already from the age of 14. He enthusiastically watched the performances of his elder brother (MC Starkey). It was brother gave Maxim first few lessons of the microphone. And from that time Maxim began developing his style of speech. (Some time he even worked Di-Джеингом). Hard, aggressive vocals Maxim makes бесноваться any audience. The Voice of Maxim is very difficult to portray, as his vocals on the sound power is about 100 decibels. Maxim since childhood he wrote the music. He had already released two solo albums - "Hell's Kitchen", seeing the light on October 4, 2000, and "Fallen Angel", which was released in 2005. Maxim showed himself not only as a talented musician, but also as the author of the qualitative content of social lyrics, abounding in albu


  • Пётр Русанов Астана
  • Павел Стрельник Кинешма
  • Александр Саликов Москва
  • Ренат Гарипов Зай-Каратай
  • Лана Мансурова Гатчина
  • Artur Gonchar
  • Юрий Юрьев
  • Александр Качимов Владивосток
  • Лилия Садвакасова Семей
  • Денис Рагулин Буденновск
  • Aleksey Alekseevich