♫Madison Rose♫ The Official Page
Описание: — English —
“Any biography ever written on me would not be complete unless it included a few hundred chapters on Justyn,” she says. “It’s hard to put into words what a huge influence he has had on who I am as a person. My brother and I are two halves of a whole, inseparable on our journey through life. He is my best friend…someone to laugh with, cry with, dream with, create music with and so much more.”
Delving a bit into their shared history, Justyn adds, “We have been collaborating unofficially, playing and singing since I was 11 and she was seven. Madison would organize summer and Christmas living room concerts for family and friends. I would play guitar and she would sing. We would mesh our musical ideas and explore from there. I was pursuing a career as a screenwriter and filmmaker after high school and didn’t consider pursuing a career in music until she kept getting more serious about her career. When she started getting opportunities to perform and record, she nudged me to get back into music and start working with her.”
For Madison’s 16th birthday in early 2010, her family sent her and Justyn to L.A. to attend Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp—a dream come true that would allow Madison to mingle with some of her Rock Idols, Bret Michaels, Lita Ford and Michael Anthony. Hoey was her camp counselor. Over the course of the week that Madison and Justyn were there, they got to know him and “simply just clicked.” They all talked about getting together someday to write music and kept in touch.
A few months later, Madison and Justyn attended a guitar clinic that Hoey was hosting a few hours from where the family lived in Florida. After the clinic, their parents talked to the guitarist about Madison’s dreams of putting together an album based on the lyrics she had written, and her need for a great musical collaborator. Hoey invited the whole family to come up to his home studio in New England to see if they could make this album concept come to life.“Gary was an amazing mentor to both me and Justyn,” she adds. “He was also a teacher, inspiration and a friend. I hope one day I can give back to a hopeful dreamer, the way Gary mentored and inspired me. My true goal is to inspire people with my music. Music is art, and just as when two people look at the same painting and see completely different things, when each individual listens to music they hear their own meaning to the songs, and feel their own unique experience. If my music makes people happy, exhilarated, excited, reflective, melancholy, empowered, or makes them feel an emotional connection to the song then as a songwriter I have reached the pinnacle of success.
All that being said Madison feels "it’s onstage where I feel most at home and really come alive.”
— Русский —
Группа поклонников талантливой певицы Мэдисон Роуз.
С детства у Мэдисон были способности к музыке и интерес к выступлениям: с семи лет девочка выступала на рождественских вечеринках для друзей и родственников вместе с братом Джастином (она пела, он играл на гитаре).
В 16 лет семья отправила певицу вместе с Джастином в Лос-Анджелес, с целью участия в Rock’n’Roll Fantasy Camp, где она могла бы познакомиться со своими рок-идолами. Её наставником в лагере был легендарный серф-гитарист Гэри Хои. Несколько месяцев спустя он предоставил свою домашнюю студию в Новой Англии, чтобы увидеть как воплотится в жизнь концепция будущего альбома. В течении сентября Мэдисон и Джастин при помощи Хои записывали песни для дебютного альбома, впоследствии получившего название «Aftershock». «Мы втроем проводили по 14 часов каждый день, сотрудничая и смеясь записывая треки в домашней студии Хои посередине леса, посредине пустоты» — вспоминает певица.
«Гэри был удивительным наставником для меня и Джастина», — добавляет Мэдисон, — «он также был учителем, вдохновителем и другом». Также ещё в 2009 году в 15 лет Мэдисон записала «Teenage Runaway».