Sex, tattoos & Rock 'n' Roll
Описание: I recently learned the meaning and history of the iconic Swallow tattoo and it made me think, is an arm full of ink hot or not? The Swallow tattoo originates from the days of exploration, piracy and trading where a sailor earned his Swallow image by traveling 5,000 miles and another two, intertwined, on completion of 10,000. By my calculations I need around three but I don't think British Airways provide a tattooist onboard!
Body art is a relativity new way of expression having been popular for around ten years. Before then images of skulls, names of loved ones and not so loved ones were reserved for pierced hairy bikers and members of the armed forces. Tattooing then became popular with the masses, starting with rogue students and then to professionals who would choose a discrete star or initial. From there celebrities such as David Beckham and Angelina Jolie chose to display an array of nouns and phrases in various languages, which in turn influenced the wider population to adorn