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  • VK ссылка:public31843793
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 96


Описание: Miley Cyrus was born in the city of Nashville, Tennessee, in the family of Billy Ray and Trish (Leticia Cyrus) . Parents gave her the name Destiny Hope (English). Destiny - destiny and Hope - hope), sensing that she will achieve in life. In childhood, she has the nickname Miley (Miley, a derivative of the Smiley smile), as a cheerful, smiling child. The Miley have two older brother Trace and Брейсон, the elder sister of Brandy and a younger sister Noah. The Brother of Miley, Трэйс, part of a popular group "Metro Station". In 2008, Cyrus was officially changed its name to Miley Ray. From childhood Miley was talented, toured with his father and loved to draw attention to themselves. Her parents had sent her to engage in черлидингом, she made it a success. Several years later the family moved from Nashville in Toronto. At the beginning of filming the disney television series "Hannah Montana" Miley had to move to Los Angeles.

In 2003, Miley debuted in cinema with the minor role of the eig


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  • Miley Cyrus New York City