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Friends of Ukraine and India фото
  • VK ссылка:public34334645
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 43

Friends of Ukraine and India

Описание: All my friend
An ugly event happened in Kiev and insult was made to the Indian nation.India and Ukraine have a great relation since a long time and i have personally the experience of a great culture and friendly atmosphere while studying in kiev.But this kind of incidents are spoiling the image of both nation by creating misunderstanding and can spoil the long relationship. We collect signatures to demand appologies.
Please sign and send it to your friends:

all information is in the link. it is important that every indian who sees it signs ит

Please check it out and if you feel that u are a responsible citizen of Ukraine and care about the image of it as well as the relation of it to other countries then please sign the petition.Thanking you. Your friend and well wisher Guddu
Link: www.change.org


  • Зоя Шу
  • Guddu Das Hamburg
  • Ravi Sookraz Vancouver
  • Arun Kumar Москва
  • Shaheen Sardar Kolkata
  • Saurabh Khandelwal Delhi
  • Debashis Roy Delhi
  • Наташа Иванова
  • Rajeev Iyengar Bangalore
  • Sheikh Mortaza Delhi
  • Anurag Singhal Delhi
  • Лилия Ибатулина Самара
  • Sony Abhi Kuala Lumpur
  • Galip Akguner İzmir
  • Abhi Sha Delhi
  • Gurtej Bains Atlanta
  • Subin Cp Kozhikode (Calicut)
  • Syed Syed
  • Мария Голубева Санкт-Петербург
  • Маршалл Ист
  • Mukesh Singh Delhi
  • Anil Kanti Das Kolkata
  • Mugilmangalakumaran Mugilmangalakumaran Chennai
  • Bijayananda Hazarika
  • Javed-Meer Javed-Meer
  • Viji Vijayan
  • Puran Jat
  • Deepak Kumar Delhi
  • Madan Matoria
  • Rahul Sinha
  • Arr Ais Kolkata
  • Murat Gerekli İstanbul