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Kristen -Jaymes Stewart фото
  • VK ссылка:public35038311
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 121

Kristen -Jaymes Stewart

Описание: Kristen Stewart was born in Los Angeles (the USA, the State of California). Her family has for a short while moved to Colorado, and then again has returned to Los Angeles where father Kristen, John Stewart, worked as the assistant to the director, the producer and the director of numerous shows on channel "Fox". The first exit Stewart on a scene has taken place in school Christmas statement on which it was noticed by the agent. It has contacted parents of the girl and has suggested to support its interest to актёрству. Initially parents were against this invention, but Kristen has persuaded them and already in 8 years has started to visit listenings for roles in films and serials. Its first occurrence on the screen has taken place a year later in statement «Son of the mermaid» (1999) channels «Disney Channel». More serious role has got to it a year or two from now in an independent melodrama Rose Trosh «Safety of things» (2001) where she has played the daughter of single mother.
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