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I'm real Demi Lovato фото
  • VK ссылка:public35358810
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 4

I'm real Demi Lovato

Описание: I was born on August 20, 1992 in Dallas (USA). My parents divorced when I was barely two years. The father immediately after the divorce had gone to New Mexico, so that we can say that the "conscious" life, I talked with him for the first time recently - in February 2008.

At age six I first got on the television - I have played a role in children's TV series "Barney and his friends." In 2006, I co-starred in several episodes of «Prison Break» and performed a brief role in "Just Jordan." But the real fame came to me after being out on the screens of America series «Camp Rock». The role of Michie Torres - fourteen girl who dreams of becoming a singer - has made me a star in just a few episodes.

The burden of fame was not so easy, and - I had to leave school because of constant conflicts with classmates, to hire more private security guards to forget about personal life and is constantly thinking about whether to accept avid sensation reporters answers to tricky questions of their own.


  • Debbi Ryan Москва