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♔ N-Squad ♔ фото
  • VK ссылка:public3857340
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 2545

♔ N-Squad ♔

Описание: N-Squad an hip-hop/r’n’b group originating from Krivoy Rog, Ukraine formed by rappers Lil ‘Jey, D_Shon and J-Don. Styles N-Squad’s music are quite diverse, from hip-hop to club tracks in R’n’B style, from love songs, to stories about life. The group released their debut album AMERICAN DREAM, in 2013 on own label Rap Music Swag Music. During J-Don’s absencet, the group recruited rapper Denny Raus, who was featured throughout the AMERICAN DREAM album.

Early years and rise to fame (2009–2011)

The group’s founding members, Lil ‘Jey, D_Shon and J-Don got together and decided to form a band after the recording of several joint tracks 19 feb 2009. Rapper Lil’ Jey was signed to SAMOVAЯRECORS from 2008, N-Squad also been on SAMOVAR in 2009. All that recorded on studio Samovar, group released as a mixtape titled «Keep it Real»

The group continued to work hard and released several mixtape tracks which earned them a lot of attention in the rap industry. The most prominent of these being “I’m a hustler”, “Get Up”, “Hip-Hop” “We the best” and “Love and friendship”. But before the group had a chance to record its debut album, internal conflicts arose between J-Don and N-Squad, which resulted in J-Don being kicked out of the group. During J-Don’s absence, the group signed rapper Denny Raus in March 2012.

The 1st album «AMERICAN DREAM»

In 2013, the group’s debut album, “AMERICAN DREAM”, was released. However, while the album was being recorded, Denny Raus was sentenced to jail on charges of drugs possession. Therefore, he only makes five tracks in summer-autumn 2012 for album.

In this album you will hear the sound is so diverse that stupid comments about the album title disappear themselves! In the album there as well as underground and club tracks, songs about life position, based on experience, members of the group, each on their own way! The album turned out pretty interesting and diverse. Wrote the music for the album different beatmakers from Moscow, Saint P. and even the United States: J-Will, Slight, Jay V.D, New School Production, Cash Money AP, Dj Thunder & Ozzi Pro.

- Keep It Real [Mixtape] 2010


  • Дмитрий Щипилло Amsterdam
  • Алекс Бойко Kitty Hawk
  • Наталичка Стаднык Львов
  • Максимка Юрченков Санкт-Петербург
  • Tidi Tidi
  • Romaninio Мартыненко Киев
  • Марина Гуржий Кривой Рог
  • Amanmarley Bob Birmingham
  • Лариса Гордеева Сочи
  • Руслан Забиров Кривой Рог
  • Олечка Данилкович Кривой Рог
  • Константин Куликовский Саратов
  • Сергей Прибыль Киев
  • Анастасия Новикова Кривой Рог
  • Tanechka Zykova Poznań
  • Елена Форощук Кривой Рог
  • Юлия Липинская Киев
  • Андрей Кяркянен Петрозаводск
  • Рома Данди Днепр (Днепропетровск)
  • Илья Куликовский Киев
  • Катёна Httpvkontakteruid Москва
  • Виктор Матюшенко Москва
  • Евгения Данилюк Санкт-Петербург
  • Александра Дубенюк Днепр (Днепропетровск)
  • Максон Жуков Санкт-Петербург
  • Пятница Frikadellka Кривой Рог
  • Андрей Тычков Кривой Рог
  • Рома Маслов Кривой Рог
  • Дашуня Костюченко Кривой Рог
  • Никита Паскаль
  • Анна Головко Кривой Рог