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CEI VKontakte, помогите! фото
  • VK ссылка:public4230878
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 26

CEI VKontakte, помогите!

Описание: My dear Young Musicians,
Here we are. Finally I decided to join this social network because I would like to create one formed by all the members of the Young Euroepan Musicians (International Children String Orchestra active between April 1993 and July 1997), of the Young Musicians's International Symphony Orchestra (YMISO), active between September1998 and November 2004 and of the Central European Initiative Youth Orchestra (CEI YO), active since November 2004,for creating a database with all your contacts for exchanging information and opinion (about the lived experience in the above mentioned youth orchestras), for collecting suggestions and fresh ideas.
KATASTROFA! Our Orchestra has been put on "standby"! I can't believe it! The reasons might be several, but first of all because of the actual enormous finacial difficulties.
It seems that the Orchestra doesn't belong to the priorities of the cultural politics of the CEI any more...
It seems that gathering young gifted people (music


  • Алена Шапочка Минск
  • Кірыл Целяпнёў Минск
  • Ольга Адкисон Chicago
  • Леся Кот Киев
  • Dum Vieru Кишинев
  • Luminita Lupascu Кишинев
  • Аня Филиппова
  • Міхаіл Бачыла Warszawa
  • Лена Сердюкова
  • Konstanty Achromienko Wrocław
  • Катерина Терновая Киев
  • Соня Самодед
  • Стас Веренич Минск
  • Юлия Валетко Минск
  • Игорь Васильев
  • Daniel Olaveson