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Hertzerg фото
  • VK ссылка:public43595494
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 3


Описание: Hertzerg – musical project based on the theory and hertzerg hertz noise, focused on the development and change of energy, consisting of different cycles and frequency ranges of sound. Stylistics Hertzerg includes innovative view of the physiological, technical and energy development of sound perception, as a certain kind of energy. The project includes a large variety of cyclic sounds, which are inverted in the process of listening. Cycles may include different frequency ranges expressed as: signal, ping, noise, sound. Hertzerg – this is a different understanding and development of the perception of sound.


  • Леонид Истратов Москва
  • Антон Ильиных Пойковский
  • Кристофер Рэйвин Екатеринбург