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Island of dreams : Djerba , Tunisia фото
  • VK ссылка:public52785817
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 32

Island of dreams : Djerba , Tunisia

Описание: Djerba has a mild climate and a well cultivated soil. Its largest city is Houmt-Souk, with a population of around 60,000. The island is a popular tourist destination, particularly for Australian, New Zealand, and Czech tourists, and is known for its beautiful beaches and dramatic sunsets. It is one of the few remaining places in Tunisia where a Berber language is still spoken.

Due to its remarkable location on the coast of the Mediterranean , Djerba Island played a great role in the history of Tunisia as a whole . About 2700 years ago , Djerba was established by the Berber Tribes . Later on , the Phoenicians arrived to the island and built their own constructions in Gights which is the location of the current El Qantara. During the Islam Conquest of Tunisia , Djerba island was the first place to fall in the Arabs hands.


  • Mido Slama Houmt Souk
  • Mouhamed Bouallague Kebili
  • Fayek Zyada Manouba
  • Hichem Bouallague Kebili
  • Nadhem Ab Tunis
  • Osama Mejrinho Tunis
  • Jaafer Benali Paris
  • Mizou Chocoland Sousse
  • Makram Djerba
  • Twi Ty Tunis
  • Méd Nidaal Birmingham
  • Mongi Etlili
  • Aymen Boussaffa Tunis
  • Amr Amer Hurghada
  • Файз Рекик Sfax
  • Miled Jemaii Gafsa
  • Makram Makram
  • Shiraz Karam Москва
  • Melissa Chabaat Москва
  • Saif Lasmar
  • Walid Wassim
  • Fakhri Ltaief
  • Abdelkader Yeddes Nabeul
  • Yasin Ahmed Cairo
  • Bilel Hmd
  • Fedaaccbcaaacabccbbbabbaadbabccb Fedaaccbcaaacabccbbbabbaadbabccb
  • Nizar Mtir