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  • Количество подписчиков: 305

Camille and Kennerly Official

Описание: Identical twins Camille and Kennerly Kitt are multi-talented professional duet harpists and Film/TV/Commercial actors. Known as the “Harp Twins”, Camille and Kennerly perform internationally as a dynamic acoustic and electric rock Harp Duo. Their remarkable talent is now catching the eye of Hollywood producers. Camille and Kennerly appear in four feature films - two of which also feature the twins performing on their harps.

Harp Duo:
As the world's only known identical twin professional harpists, Camille and Kennerly have a passion and flair for arranging and performing contemporary music for Harp Duet. The Harp Twins perform on identical statuesque Concert Grand Harps as well as identical modern ebony Electric Harps. The twins were trained classically but their true musical love and passion is playing rock, metal, alternative, pop, hip-hop, country, and crossover genres. Camille and Kennerly are known for their remarkable duet harp arrangements of songs by artists such as Guns N’ Roses, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Aerosmith, AC/DC, The Rolling Stones, Iron Maiden, Blue Oyster Cult, The Police, Bon Jovi, Pink Floyd, U2, Journey, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, The Cranberries, Rihanna, Coldplay, The Beatles, Britney Spears, Enya, Johnny Cash, Deep Purple, The Smiths, Elton John, Joy Division, and many more. The twins also arrange and perform a jukebox of Broadway, Video Game, TV and Movie Soundtrack hits. Some fan favorites include their renditions of music from Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, The Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Zelda, and The Hobbit. In addition to being prolific arrangers, Camille and Kennerly compose and perform their own original pieces for Harp Duet. Camille and Kennerly’s radical Duet Harp Revolution is changing the word’s perception of the harp, and the way harp is played – one song at a time.

The Harp Twins perform as featured artists for public, private, philanthropic, academic, corporate, and political events. Camille and Kennerly have performed for celebrities and political leaders. The Harp Twins were featured musicians at the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Celebration, playing for three events over two days, including a dinner where President Barack Obama was the speaker. Camille and Kennerly also performed for United States Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert’s retirement banquet. Other notable duet harp performances include a luncheon where former First Lady Laura Bush was the featured speaker and a dinner event with former Vice President Cheney as the special guest. The Harp Twins were featured performers for a private pre-opening event to celebrate French haute couture fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier’s exhibit “From the Sidewalk to the Catwalk”, which premiered at the De Young Museum in San Francisco. Additionally, celebrity photographer, Martin Schoeller, asked Camille and Kennerly to perform at both opening events for his book “Identical: Portraits of Twins” in New York and Beverly Hills, CA.

Camille and Kennerly and their music have been featured in worldwide mainstream media such as CBS News, National Geographic, The Huffington Post, The Huffington Post UK, The Huffington Post Chicago, Metal Hammer Magazine, Conan O’Brien’s TeamCoco, 4GTV’s “Attack of the Show”, The Soup, VSAUCE, BuzzFeed, Nintendo Life, College Humor, AMCtv.com, RightThisMinute, Kotaku, Gizmodo, and Yahoo! Music Canada. Notably, Camille and Kennerly were featured in one of the UK’s biggest metal music magazines, Metal Hammer. In the article and interview, titled “Harp Attack”, the Harp Twins were labeled a “Hot New Band” (June 2013). The twins also were featured in a 2-page photo-spread in National Geographic Magazine’s cover article “A Thing Or Two About Twins” (January 2012).

The Harp Twins’ music has also caught the attention of the original artists and music composers. Bear McCreary, (composer of the music from Battlestar Galactica and The Walking Dead) shared Cam


  • Михаил Сергеевич
  • Роман Шанов Санкт-Петербург
  • Айсен Иванов Москва
  • Серёжа Дюгуров Екатеринбург
  • Артём Евсеев Санкт-Петербург
  • Александр Кочерыгин
  • Андрей Ш Барнаул
  • Екатерина Моторова Санкт-Петербург
  • Илья Короленко Москва
  • Александр Коньков Москва
  • Иван Крупченко
  • Георгий Белячков Москва
  • Сергей Кашин-Свешников Санкт-Петербург
  • Дмитрий Першин Фрязино
  • Alex Gun Москва
  • Михаил Смоллетов
  • Yngwor Trumpeter Самара
  • Лилия Акмалова Екатеринбург
  • Ольга Рюмина Северодвинск
  • Елена Рыжова Москва
  • Svyatoslav Nesterov Апатиты
  • Алексей Кравцов Москва
  • Ad Ad Астрахань
  • Максим Петрович Санкт-Петербург
  • Александр Прасолов Магнитогорск
  • Александр Плахотин Санкт-Петербург
  • Дмитрий Бережинский Королёв
  • Альгис Виррочи Москва
  • Дмитрий Шинкарёв Санкт-Петербург
  • Валерий Трошин Челябинск
  • John Lancaster
  • Сергей Ветров Москва
  • Сергей Агап Норильск
  • Иван Шиляков Москва
  • Андрей Шульгин
  • Максим Гордеев Стерлитамак
  • Виктор Перфилов
  • Сергей Мачуский Феодосия
  • Роман Каменев Рязань
  • Александр Панаев Нижний Тагил
  • Артем Ярославский Барнаул
  • Данил Швайко Чита
  • Мария Москалева-Каплиева Красноярск
  • Сергей Анисимов
  • Иван Лобов Кемерово
  • Дмитрий Фролков
  • Алексей Кулин Тула
  • Дмитрий Тихомиров Москва
  • Александр Чубенко Красноярск
  • Александр Стрельцов
  • Данііл Літвін Брест
  • Игорь Ефремов Шахты
  • Екатерина Аденина Москва
  • Лев Кожаев
  • Андрей Ивановский Фурманов
  • Алексей Толок Почеп
  • Владислав Ермаков