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Broiler фото
  • VK ссылка:public55155040
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 229


Описание: Broiler consist of Mikkel Christiansen (22) & Simen Auke (23) from Norway. Originated from an internet phenomenon back in 2011, Broiler has now grown fully into the modern dance music industry.

Over the last years, the DJ- and producer-duo Broiler has grown fully into the dance music industry. Originated from a series of viral videos on youtube, Broiler have together with Sky Agency created a significant imprint in the Norwegian music scene, with several chart topping tracks and winning multiple awards for both their music and marketing tecniques.

Back in 2011, an internet phenomenon was born as a diversion from Mikkel Christiansen and Simen Auke’s musical collaborations. As the viral music videos kept spreading throughout the internet, a substantial fan base was established and grew bigger and bigger every day.

In december 2011 the boys met with owners of Sky Agency, Trond Opsahl and Christoffer Huse. Having wide knowledge and a long experience with arranging concerts, they helped Broiler advance to the next level over and over again. Over time, Mikkel, Simen, Trond and Christoffer worked more and more together as a group to reach goals most people saw as beyond the bounds of possibility.

All four members of this family fulfill each others in different ways, creating a powerful and effective team with great comprehension of every aspect needed to extend the boundaries of the project. Helping out and supporting each others in demanding times as well as taking important desicions as a family, is one of the main reason why Broiler and Sky reach every goal they set out for. All filled with a strong drive to create, build and conquer personal and business related goals. Clever and alternative marketing has also been one of the most important pieces of the puzzle. Trond and Christoffer leave room for Mikkel and Simen to flourish with creative ideas and help them find the right ways to put them to life, both musically and in terms of building the Broiler brand name.

Touring has played a very important role in Broiler’s carreer. Selling out shows and playing mainstage at large festivals alongside artists like Avicii, Steve Angello, Laidback Luke and David Guetta several times has made the DJ-duo a very desirable act.

In 2012, the track ”Afterski” went viral and became Broiler’s first major hit. Following in 2013, the track ”Vannski” became the fastest platinum selling track in Norwegian history. At this point, the lyrics were in Norwegian, but that was about to change in late 2013, when Broiler and Sky together decided to expand the project and see how big they can build it. Lyrics on forthcoming tracks were changed into English and the visual profile of Broiler were slowly shifted over a full year.

The summer of 2014, Broiler had their first major hit with English lyrics, released on Sky Music through Universal. ”Rays Of Light”, co-written by award winning producer Nasty Kutt, became a summer anthem and kept streaming massively throughout the rest of the year. When releasing their next single, ”Wild Eyes”, Broiler’s visual profile was fully changed into the way it is supposed to be. Ajusting Broiler’s profile slowly over time has been a key ingredient to preserve the fan base while chaning music style, as well as to escalade the musical production skill along the way.

Wild Eyes became a monster hit an flew up to the top of the charts in a very short time. For the first time, a Broiler track with english lyrics hit #1 in Norway.


  • Олеся Бондаренко Киев
  • Евгения Пфайл
  • Юлия Скрипко Alicante
  • Николай Сибиряков Москва
  • Артем Григорьев Санкт-Петербург
  • Елена Иванова Красноярск
  • Лёша Лазаренко
  • Егор Бородин Москва
  • Александр Рискин Москва
  • Anastasia Ballack Princeton
  • Наталья Каменева Усть-Каменогорск
  • Александр Уткин Нижний Новгород
  • Макс Максимов
  • Сергей Власов Новосибирск
  • Юлия Костючок Киев
  • Юрій Тивончук Степань
  • Artur Kislica Днепр (Днепропетровск)
  • Илья Вандышев Москва
  • Элина Семёнова Рига
  • Elen Andersen San Ġwann
  • Victor Gapeev Мончегорск
  • Владислав Вайло Shenzhen
  • Вовка Шубин
  • Алёна Плаксина
  • Мария Будько
  • Елена Столярчук Тюмень
  • Влад Карпович Белоозерск
  • Эдуард Зиганшин Уфа
  • Борис Бугаков
  • Артем Губенко
  • Виктория Полевая Староконстантинов
  • Константин Никонов Москва
  • Denis Метлицкий Тверь
  • Артур Зеленский Москва
  • Игорь Жиленков
  • Ярослав Шевченко
  • Дима Козлов
  • Елена Мажарова Октябрьский
  • Никита Мокин
  • Гульнур Аукенова Praha
  • Никита Савенко
  • Роман Кульков Барнаул
  • Вася Карча Черновцы
  • Данила Посысаев Тамбов
  • Али Бехбудов Самара
  • Vilgelm Biker Санкт-Петербург
  • Дима Семёнов Нерюнгри
  • Макс Балакин